Maternity Nightwear
LUPOLINE hommikumantel art.3026
€38.00Out of stock
Imeilus klassikaline must pitsiline hommikumantel. Sobib rasedusajaks kui ka pärast sünnitust. Learn More -
LUPOLINE 2in1 öösärk art.3012 (must ja hele)
€35.00Out of stock
Lupoline klassikalise lõikega öösärk. Sobib kandmiseks raseduse ajal kui ka pärast sünnitust. Eest avatavad paelad võimaldavad beebit rinnaga toita. Learn More -
LUPOLINE öösärk art.3117
€40.00Out of stock
Imetamistopp reguleeritavate rihmade ja Click-Clacki kinnitustega. Särgi ülaosa - kausid, beežist pitsist ja särgi põhi mustast viskoosist, kergelt laienev. Särgi kaelus on kaunistatud kahe kontrastse kaarega. Learn More -
LUPOLINE hommikumantel art.3131
€45.00Vajalik iga tulevase ema jaoks, eriti haiglas viibimise ajal ja hiljem lapse eest hoolitsemise ajal. Seda saab kasutada hommikumantli või haiglakattena. Pehme kvaliteetne materjal, mis on säilinud ajatu elegantse mustana, kohandub kaunilt igas suuruses kõhuga. 3/4 pikkused hommikumantli varrukad. Vöökohalt seotud hommikumantel. Koostis: 70% viskoos, 20% elastaan, 10% polüamiid Learn More -
LUPOLINE öösärk art.3056
€39.00Naiseliku pitskaunistusega õlapaeltega imetamisöösärk. Lihtsasti avatavad klõpsakud aitavad muuta imetamist veelgi mugavamaks. Learn More -
Carriwell - Seamless Maternity Light Support Top
€36.00The natural desire of every pregnant woman is to look great and feel comfortable. This stylish and functional Cami, designed specifically for pregnancy, is an all-in-one maternity bra, pregnancy support band and fashionable top that has both therapeutic and cosmetic appeal. Sister Lilian: "A non-medicinal comfortable solution to reduce ligament pain, back ache and abdominal pressure during pregnancy" * Gently lifts weight off the pelvis. * Great for everyday use and or exercise. * The fabric allows superior stretch while cleverly supporting targeted areas. * Improves posture by supporting the abdomen which results in reduced backache. * There are no under wires, clips, hooks or velcro which may pinch or restrict circulation. * The low cut front gives a sensual look and feel improving expectant mom's confidence. Learn More -
RelaxMaternity Maternity Vest Top
€27.00This Vest Top in stretch cotton clings perfectly to the hips, buttocks and shoulders, making it invisible and avoiding unsightly bulges. Cotton regulates perspiration on the skin and keeps body temperature, also the sweat away from the critical points of the body and avoids the unpleasant fermentation, which causes skin irritation and odour. The front, corresponding to the abdomen is slightly shaped to fit and give comfort, even if the belly was bulky. Under the breast tissue is blocked with a stitch, in order to provide a modest effect of nursing support, but above all to give moulding, shaping and fitting the breast, both pregnant and lactating after delivery. Colours: Black, white, skin Composition: 69% PA - Nylon (Polyamid), 20% ME - Silver Fiber, 11% EA - Elastane Learn More