Maternity Bra
Carriwell - Seamless Maternity Light Support Top
€36.00The natural desire of every pregnant woman is to look great and feel comfortable. This stylish and functional Cami, designed specifically for pregnancy, is an all-in-one maternity bra, pregnancy support band and fashionable top that has both therapeutic and cosmetic appeal. Sister Lilian: "A non-medicinal comfortable solution to reduce ligament pain, back ache and abdominal pressure during pregnancy" * Gently lifts weight off the pelvis. * Great for everyday use and or exercise. * The fabric allows superior stretch while cleverly supporting targeted areas. * Improves posture by supporting the abdomen which results in reduced backache. * There are no under wires, clips, hooks or velcro which may pinch or restrict circulation. * The low cut front gives a sensual look and feel improving expectant mom's confidence. Learn More -
UUS! asrt.5702 laiad õlepaelad
€25.00Imetamise rinnahoidja. Materjal: 92% polüamiid, 8% elastaan *Väga mugav ja praktiline, toetab rinda ka söötmise ajal * Pehme mikrokiud kangas, kerged õmblused, laia ja elastse õlapaelaga, et tagada maksimaalne mugavus ja sobivus * Hingav ja kerge materjal - valmistatud Itaalias Learn More -
New! MUMBA BRA 3in1 pink
€45.00A novel approach! MUMBA BRA 3in1 is now also in Estonia! Seamless bra that can be worn already during pregnancy and after breastfeeding. Comfort and a model equipped with pillows provides comfort for every day. Variable bust size - elastic stretchy fabric material! The unique MUMBA CLASP system and the black and white pattern on the bra fabric help with breastfeeding! Watch and enjoy how your baby fixes his gaze on this pattern! The BabyFocus® pattern helps the baby focus on breastfeeding and it becomes calm. AVAILABLE SIZES: S, M, L S- 70B, C, D, DD 75B, C, 80B M-70E,F; 75D, DD, E, F; 80C, D; 85B, C, D; 90B,C L- 80DD, E, F; 85DD, E; 90D, DD; 95B, C, D; 100 B, C; 105 B Learn More -
art.5704 Imetamise rinnahoidja
€25.0095% puuvill 5% elastaan Väga pehmest ja mõnusat puuvillast rinnahoidja. Kinni-lahti süsteem. Itaalia. Learn More -
New! MUMBA BRA 3in1 white
€45.00Quick overview A novel approach! MUMBA BRA 3in1 is now also in Estonia! Seamless bra that can be worn already during pregnancy and after breastfeeding. Comfort and a model equipped with pillows provides comfort for every day. Variable bust size - elastic stretchy fabric material! The unique MUMBA CLASP system and the black and white pattern on the bra fabric help with breastfeeding! Watch and enjoy how your baby fixes his gaze on this pattern! The BabyFocus® pattern helps the baby focus on breastfeeding and it becomes calm. AVAILABLE SIZES: S, M, L S- 70B, C, D, DD 75B, C, 80B M-70E,F; 75D, DD, E, F; 80C, D; 85B, C, D; 90B,C L- 80DD, E, F; 85DD, E; 90D, DD; 95B, C, D; 100 B, C; 105 B Learn More -
New! MUMBA BRA 3in1 black
€45.00Out of stock
Quick overview A novel approach! MUMBA BRA 3in1 is now also in Estonia! Seamless bra that can be worn already during pregnancy and after breastfeeding. Comfort and a model equipped with pillows provides comfort for every day. Variable bust size - elastic stretchy fabric material! The unique MUMBA CLASP system and the black and white pattern on the bra fabric help with breastfeeding! Watch and enjoy how your baby fixes his gaze on this pattern! The BabyFocus® pattern helps the baby focus on breastfeeding and it becomes calm. AVAILABLE SIZES: S, M, L S- 70B, C, D, DD 75B, C, 80B M-70E,F; 75D, DD, E, F; 80C, D; 85B, C, D; 90B,C L- 80DD, E, F; 85DD, E; 90D, DD; 95B, C, D; 100 B, C; 105 B Learn More -
NEW! 3in1 Padded nursing bra - clients FAVORITE!
€33.00S= 65CM-78CM M= 80CM-88CM L= 90CM-100CM XL= 100CM-110CM Material: 90% Polyamide + 10% Elastane Color: DRK GREY The cushions are removable. Learn More -
3in1 Patjadega Imetusrinnahoidja - HELE-HALL
€33.00S= 65CM-78CM M= 80CM-88CM L= 90CM-100CM XL= 100CM-110CM XXL= 110CM-120CM Materjal: 90% Polüamiid +10% Elastaan Learn More -
Carriwell imetamisrinnahoidja - Navy Blue
€38.00Carriwell rasedus- ja imetamisrinnahoidja on pehme ja mugav rinnahoidja, mis kohandub vastavalt Sinu muutuva keha järgi. Lihtsad ühe käega avatavad klambrid paljastavad imetamise ajal kogu rinna, maksimeerides kontakti teie ja teie lapse vahel. •· Mugavus: pole ärritavaid õmblusi ega jäika traadist tugikaart. •· Paindlikkus: lisana kaasas rinnahoidja pikendus lisab reguleeritavust. •· Tunnustatud: imetamisnõustajad toetavad Carriwelli õmbluseta rinnahoidjat. Learn More -