Maternity Bra
UUS! Alles ® Chi-Chi 02 (U) ruuduline
Carriwell AVATAV TOP (valge, must)
€35.00Top põhineb Carriwelli auhinnatud avataval imetamise rinnahoidjal ning selle valmistamisel on kasutatud kerget ja hingavat kangast. Reguleeritavate õlapaeltega topi on lihtne avada ning see hoiab kõhu imetamise ajal soojas. Saadaval neljas suuruses (S, M, L ja XL) ning kahes värvitoonis (must, valge). Learn More -
Alles® CREMA (U)
Regular Price: €34.00
Special Price: €24.00
ALLESE uus kollektsioon: KEVAD 2015! Tugikaartega ja polsterdusega imetusrinnahoidja! Mugav ja lihtne kinni-lahti süsteem, mis teeb beebi imetamise mõnusaks toiminguks. Rinnahoidja on tugikaartega ja tagab hea toestuse rinnale kogu imetusperioodiks! Seespool 100% puuvill kangas. Materjal: 40% polüamiid, 20% puuvill, 20% elastaan Vaata ka CREMA püksikuid! Learn More -
Carriwell polsterdatud imetusrinnahoidja
€35.00Õmblusteta, polsterdatud, toetav imetamise rinnahoidja. Kerged, õhukesed, eemaldatavad, vormi hoidvad polsterpadjad annavad rinnale ilusa kuju ja toetava kindlalt ja mugavalt. Materjal: 92% polüamiid ja 8% elastaan. Pesta 40 C juures. Mitte triikida. Learn More -
Alles® CARA MIA (white,black)
€30.00Mama CARA MIA nursing bra with soft underwired cups Wide straps Color: black, white Material: 50% polyester, 40% polyamide, 10% elastane Learn More -
RelaxMaternity - Smart nursing bra (cotton fiber)
€20.00RelaxMaternity completes its range with a new concept in nursing bras, very low-cut, high control, high elasticity and very simple in performing its function. The control structure is that of the band under the breasts, running the length of the bust and joined to the shoulder straps. This form of control does not create any problems for the mammary or axiliary lymph glands. The cotton fabric, which covers the breasts, is particularly flexible in both directions; therefore, facilitated by generous neckline, it is possible to extract the breast by simply moving the fabric toward the outside, with a simple movement of the hand. The elasticated fabric, thickened on the outside of the breast, helps support the breast during feeding. When finished, the breast is covered again and the fabric takes on its role in supporting and shaping the breast. The fabric is rich in cotton, therefore it is soft, anallergic, and able to absorb any milk secretions. The absence of seams in this nursing bra is functional, as it eliminates any risk of friction to the mammary glands, which tend to be swollen and sensitive. Colours: White, skin Composition: 60% CO - Cotton, 32% PA - Nylon (Polyamid), 8% EA - Elastane Learn More -
Bra Extenders 5cm; 3,8cm; 3cm
€3.00Add an additional 3 rows of eyes to your bra, allowing you to continue wearing it as the body changes size during pregnancy and after. * Save money on buying bigger bra sizes * Easy to adapt the size of your bra – maximising comfort and support * No sewing needed! Just clip and go Colours: Black, White, nude, ecru. Learn More -
SIMONA Elastic medical bra for nursing mothers (TONUS ELAST)
€28.00Elastic medical bra for nursing mothers Helps prevent mastitis and reduce breast milk stagnation, as well as for fixation of large size brests. Structure of raw material: cotton – 90%, polyamide – 10%. Learn More -
Emma-Jane ® toetav kõhuvöö
€18.00Kasutamiseks selja alaosa koormuse vähendamiseks ja kõhuosa toestamiseks rasedusperioodil. Spetsiaalselt disainitud toetamaks selga raseduse ajal. Reguleeri vastavalt oma soovile, et pakkuda kõhule tõstvat toetust * Lihtne paigaldada: * Krõpsuga kinnituv ja reguleeritav * Võimalik kanda riiete all * Alaselja toestamiseks terve raseduse vältel Kinnita vöö kõhu alt, kohanda vöö parajaks takjakinnituse abil. Vöö on õigesti, kui tunned teotust alaseljal. Materjal: 60% polüester, 20% polüamiid, 20% kumm. Värv: valge, beež, must Suurused: * EU 38/40 - 92-102 cm * EU 42/44 - 97-107 cm * EU 46/48 - 102-112 cm * EU 50/52 - 107-117 cm Learn More -