Maternity Bra

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  1. JANE MATERNITY  AVATAV TOP (roosa, must, hall)

    JANE MATERNITY AVATAV TOP (roosa, must, hall)


    Jane Maternity avataval imetamise rinnahoidjal on kasutatud kerget ja hingavat kangast. Reguleeritavate õlapaeltega topi on lihtne avada ning see hoiab kõhu imetamise ajal soojas. Saadaval kolmes suuruses (M, L ja XL) ning kolmes värvitoonis (must, hall, roosa). Learn More
  2. art.365 Emma-Jane (Patjadega) imetusrinnahoidja.

    art.365 Emma-Jane (Patjadega) imetusrinnahoidja.


    Emma-Jane ® Inglismaalt pärit ülemaailmselt auhinnatud tootja, kes on spetsialiseerunud noorte emade pesule! Mudel on samalaadne nagu tavaline imetusrinnahoidja aga lisaks on sellel juures eemaldatavad padjad! Sobib kandmiseks juba raseduse ajal. Super mugav imetusrinnahoidja, venivus tagab rinna suurenemise järel toetuse ja ei ole vaja muretseda mitut rinnahoidjat. Rinnapadjad lisavad juurde suurust ja mugavust. Arvestades rinnaga toitmise pisi-nüansse (peale imetamist üks rind on suurem kui teine). Vajadusel saab kasutada rinnahoidja laiendit. Eemaldatav vahtpadi annab rinnale parema, suurema kuju ja on diskreetne! Suuruse valik: UK 32-38 (üks korvimõõt B-F) EU 70-85 Materjal: 90% polüamiid, 10% elastaan Learn More
  3. UUS! Lupoline ART.3002

    UUS! Lupoline ART.3002


    70% viskoos, 10% elastaan, 10% puuvill, 10% polüamiid 2in1 Learn More
  4. BOGEMA ANGELIQUE helebeez (palju suurusi!)

    BOGEMA ANGELIQUE helebeez (palju suurusi!)


    Tänu 3D Light-tehnoloogiale on nüüd kangamaterjal veelgi pehmem ja mugavam! Imetamisrinnahoidja- kinni-lahti süsteem teeb imetamise mugavaks toiminguks. Learn More
  5. Suuremad korvid! ALLES NUBE

    Suuremad korvid! ALLES NUBE


    Uus kollektsioon 2018! Tugikaartega, polstriga. Väga kaunid ja naiselikud! Learn More
  6. Alles ® CHI-CHI 02 beež

    Alles ® CHI-CHI 02 beež


    uus KOLLEKTSIOON! Learn More
  7. New! MUMBA BRA 3in1 white

    New! MUMBA BRA 3in1 white


    Quick overview A novel approach! MUMBA BRA 3in1 is now also in Estonia! Seamless bra that can be worn already during pregnancy and after breastfeeding. Comfort and a model equipped with pillows provides comfort for every day. Variable bust size - elastic stretchy fabric material! The unique MUMBA CLASP system and the black and white pattern on the bra fabric help with breastfeeding! Watch and enjoy how your baby fixes his gaze on this pattern! The BabyFocus® pattern helps the baby focus on breastfeeding and it becomes calm. AVAILABLE SIZES: S, M, L S- 70B, C, D, DD 75B, C, 80B M-70E,F; 75D, DD, E, F; 80C, D; 85B, C, D; 90B,C L- 80DD, E, F; 85DD, E; 90D, DD; 95B, C, D; 100 B, C; 105 B Learn More
  8. New! MUMBA BRA 3in1 black

    New! MUMBA BRA 3in1 black


    Out of stock

    Quick overview A novel approach! MUMBA BRA 3in1 is now also in Estonia! Seamless bra that can be worn already during pregnancy and after breastfeeding. Comfort and a model equipped with pillows provides comfort for every day. Variable bust size - elastic stretchy fabric material! The unique MUMBA CLASP system and the black and white pattern on the bra fabric help with breastfeeding! Watch and enjoy how your baby fixes his gaze on this pattern! The BabyFocus® pattern helps the baby focus on breastfeeding and it becomes calm. AVAILABLE SIZES: S, M, L S- 70B, C, D, DD 75B, C, 80B M-70E,F; 75D, DD, E, F; 80C, D; 85B, C, D; 90B,C L- 80DD, E, F; 85DD, E; 90D, DD; 95B, C, D; 100 B, C; 105 B Learn More
  9. New! MUMBA BRA 3in1 violet

    New! MUMBA BRA 3in1 violet


    A novel approach! MUMBA BRA 3in1 is now also in Estonia! Seamless bra that can be worn already during pregnancy and after breastfeeding. Comfort and a model equipped with pillows provides comfort for every day. Variable bust size - elastic stretchy fabric material! The unique MUMBA CLASP system and the black and white pattern on the bra fabric help with breastfeeding! Watch and enjoy how your baby fixes his gaze on this pattern! The BabyFocus® pattern helps the baby focus on breastfeeding and it becomes calm. AVAILABLE SIZES: S, M, L S- 70B, C, D, DD 75B, C, 80B M-70E,F; 75D, DD, E, F; 80C, D; 85B, C, D; 90B,C L- 80DD, E, F; 85DD, E; 90D, DD; 95B, C, D; 100 B, C; 105 B Learn More
  10. Alles® CHI-CHI (U) 04 lilledega

    Alles® CHI-CHI (U) 04 lilledega


    Uus mudel! Polsterduse ja tugikaarega. Learn More
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