Maternity Bra
Carriwell - Seamless Maternity Light Support Top
€36.00The natural desire of every pregnant woman is to look great and feel comfortable. This stylish and functional Cami, designed specifically for pregnancy, is an all-in-one maternity bra, pregnancy support band and fashionable top that has both therapeutic and cosmetic appeal. Sister Lilian: "A non-medicinal comfortable solution to reduce ligament pain, back ache and abdominal pressure during pregnancy" * Gently lifts weight off the pelvis. * Great for everyday use and or exercise. * The fabric allows superior stretch while cleverly supporting targeted areas. * Improves posture by supporting the abdomen which results in reduced backache. * There are no under wires, clips, hooks or velcro which may pinch or restrict circulation. * The low cut front gives a sensual look and feel improving expectant mom's confidence. Learn More -
BOGEMA ANGELIQUE helebeez (palju suurusi!)
€30.00Tänu 3D Light-tehnoloogiale on nüüd kangamaterjal veelgi pehmem ja mugavam! Imetamisrinnahoidja- kinni-lahti süsteem teeb imetamise mugavaks toiminguks. Learn More -
New! MUMBA BRA 3in1 white
€45.00Quick overview A novel approach! MUMBA BRA 3in1 is now also in Estonia! Seamless bra that can be worn already during pregnancy and after breastfeeding. Comfort and a model equipped with pillows provides comfort for every day. Variable bust size - elastic stretchy fabric material! The unique MUMBA CLASP system and the black and white pattern on the bra fabric help with breastfeeding! Watch and enjoy how your baby fixes his gaze on this pattern! The BabyFocus® pattern helps the baby focus on breastfeeding and it becomes calm. AVAILABLE SIZES: S, M, L S- 70B, C, D, DD 75B, C, 80B M-70E,F; 75D, DD, E, F; 80C, D; 85B, C, D; 90B,C L- 80DD, E, F; 85DD, E; 90D, DD; 95B, C, D; 100 B, C; 105 B Learn More -
New! MUMBA BRA 3in1 black
€45.00Out of stock
Quick overview A novel approach! MUMBA BRA 3in1 is now also in Estonia! Seamless bra that can be worn already during pregnancy and after breastfeeding. Comfort and a model equipped with pillows provides comfort for every day. Variable bust size - elastic stretchy fabric material! The unique MUMBA CLASP system and the black and white pattern on the bra fabric help with breastfeeding! Watch and enjoy how your baby fixes his gaze on this pattern! The BabyFocus® pattern helps the baby focus on breastfeeding and it becomes calm. AVAILABLE SIZES: S, M, L S- 70B, C, D, DD 75B, C, 80B M-70E,F; 75D, DD, E, F; 80C, D; 85B, C, D; 90B,C L- 80DD, E, F; 85DD, E; 90D, DD; 95B, C, D; 100 B, C; 105 B Learn More -
New! MUMBA BRA 3in1 violet
€45.00A novel approach! MUMBA BRA 3in1 is now also in Estonia! Seamless bra that can be worn already during pregnancy and after breastfeeding. Comfort and a model equipped with pillows provides comfort for every day. Variable bust size - elastic stretchy fabric material! The unique MUMBA CLASP system and the black and white pattern on the bra fabric help with breastfeeding! Watch and enjoy how your baby fixes his gaze on this pattern! The BabyFocus® pattern helps the baby focus on breastfeeding and it becomes calm. AVAILABLE SIZES: S, M, L S- 70B, C, D, DD 75B, C, 80B M-70E,F; 75D, DD, E, F; 80C, D; 85B, C, D; 90B,C L- 80DD, E, F; 85DD, E; 90D, DD; 95B, C, D; 100 B, C; 105 B Learn More -
Carriwell AVATAV TOP (valge, must)
€35.00Top põhineb Carriwelli auhinnatud avataval imetamise rinnahoidjal ning selle valmistamisel on kasutatud kerget ja hingavat kangast. Reguleeritavate õlapaeltega topi on lihtne avada ning see hoiab kõhu imetamise ajal soojas. Saadaval neljas suuruses (S, M, L ja XL) ning kahes värvitoonis (must, valge). Learn More -
Carriwell polsterdatud imetusrinnahoidja
€35.00Õmblusteta, polsterdatud, toetav imetamise rinnahoidja. Kerged, õhukesed, eemaldatavad, vormi hoidvad polsterpadjad annavad rinnale ilusa kuju ja toetava kindlalt ja mugavalt. Materjal: 92% polüamiid ja 8% elastaan. Pesta 40 C juures. Mitte triikida. Learn More -
Carriwell - Seamless Nursing Bra
€31.00Imagine a nursing bra that fulfils your every need - comfort, support, style, quality, fit and then add function & convenience. These are all critical elements that will make the difference between a good and a great seamless nursing bra. The silky soft breathable microfiber fabric moulds to your changing body, whilst skin-to-skin contact between mom and baby is maximised during nursing due to the unique non-inner, cup design. This bares your entire breast when the front cup of the bra is lowered providing total skin-to-skin contact, thus enhancing and adding to your nursing experience! * No irritating seams or stiff under-wire. * Suitable for everyday wear and as a sleep bra. * Simple one-handed release clasp for easy nursing. * Complimentary bra extender adding to adjustability. * 3 hook and eye on the back for added comfort and support. * Soft cup style nursing bras are highly recommended by lactation consultants. * Perfect to wear under t-shirts due to the seamless, smooth & invisible design. * The wide under band substitutes under wire i.e. extra support & "lifting" of the breasts. Learn More -
Carriwell - Seamless Maternity Bra
€17.00A woman's breasts undergo vast changes during pregnancy. Our mission is to help new-moms feel comfortable and relaxed with their changing bodies by designing comfortable, flexible, supportive and functional seamless maternity bras and pregnancy lingerie. We have taken into consideration that women's breasts can increase by 2 cup sizes between nursing's, and that it is imperative during pregnancy & nursing that milk ducts are not restricted. Soft cup style maternity bras (pregnancy lingerie) are highly recommended by lactation consultants. * The wide straps add to comport and support. * Perfect to wear under t-shirts due to the smooth, invisible design. * Suitable for everyday wear and as a sleep bra. * Large sports style back supports the middle back which reduces pressure >on the straps. * Similar in design to sports bras, it ensures support and total wearer-comfort, with no seams, hooks or wire that could pinch or hurt delicate breast tissue. * The wide under band substitutes under wire resulting in extra support & "lifting" of the breasts. Learn More -
Carriwell - Lace Nursing Bra
€28.00This cotton lace nursing bra has been specifically designed for your breast feeding convenience and comfort. The stretchy soft lace follows the natural curves of your body and the easy-to-open cross-over style enables baby to nuzzle up to mom's breast very easily. * Cross over bra design for easy & convenient nursing. * Ideal as a medium support day bra and sleep bra. * Softest quality lace & fabric ensure no chaffing or irritation. * No underwire clips or buttons i.e. soft on delicate breast tissue. * The wide under band & sports style back increases comfort & support. Skin-to-skin contact; commonly known as Kangaroo Care; encourages contact between mother and baby; especially during nursing. Mothers will find this nursing and maternity bra extremely flexible for night use, making it easy to lie down comfortably and nurse baby in the prone position; increasing skin-to-skin contact whilst you cuddle and nurse your baby. Learn More