Lansinoh LatchAssist® Nipple Everter

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Quick Overview
Lansinoh’s LatchAssist® helps breastfeeding by gently drawing out a flat or inverted nipple so your baby can achieve a good latch and feed comfortably and successfully. When a baby cannot achieve a good latch, trying to breastfeed can be frustrating and upsetting for both mums and babies.

In the early days after birth, mothers may experience engorgement or swollen breasts – a temporary condition that can make breastfeeding difficult or uncomfortable. As a mother, your skin may also stretch so that your nipples become flattened where they used to protrude. If your baby is unable to get a flat nipple into the correct position to breastfeed, getting enough milk is not easy.

Using Lansinoh LatchAssist®, mothers can gently draw the nipple out just long enough for baby to grasp the nipple and areola and establish a good latch, which is the first step in successful breastfeeding. Simple, effective and easy to operate with one hand, this is the ideal solution to what can be a troubling issue for new mums. LatchAssist® even comes with a small case for hygiene and portability.

MANUFACTURER: Lansinoh Laboratories, Inc.

Lansinoh LatchAssist® Nipple Everter

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