Breast Care

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  1. Hõbedased nibukaitsmed

    Hõbedased nibukaitsmed


    Imetavale emale mõeldud nibukaitsed võivad olla suurepärased abilised katkiste ja valulike nibude korral. Hõbedast nibukiatsed-valmistatud kehale ohututest ja allergiat tekitamatutest materjalidest, kuna imetamine on seotud tundliku naha ja nahaaluse piirkonnaga. Valmistatud: Hispaanias Pakendis 2 tk Learn More
  2. Lansinoh ® Organic Nipple Balm

    Lansinoh ® Organic Nipple Balm


    100% USDA Certified Organic. The #1 soothing breast balm recommended by mothers and doctors. This product is a natural, herbal and handcrafted product designed to care for tender nipples and dry skin. Lansinoh's unique blend of organic ingredients is safe for baby and designed for breastfeeding. Made with organic argan and coconut oils to help moisturize and soothe soft nipples. The silky smooth balm is easy to apply and is also suitable for delicate skin. Keywords: 100% USDA Certified Organic Nipple Balm Odorless, tasteless and colorless - the baby doesn't even notice it Safe for mother and baby - no need to remove before breastfeeding Does not contain additives, preservatives or parabens Not tested on animals Hypoallergenic What's in the box? 1 jar of Lansinoh Organic Nipple Balm How to use? Wash your hands thoroughly. Apply to entire nipple area after each feed or as needed. Also use during pregnancy to relieve pain of dry, stretched skin. Ingredients: Helianthus Annuus (Sunflower) Seed Oil*, Olea Europaea (Olive) Fruit Oil*, Beeswax*, Cocos Nucifera (Coconut Oil)*, Butyrospermum Parkii (Shea) Butter*, Calendula Officinalis (Calendula) Flower Extract*, Argania Spinosa (Argan) Kernel Oil. *Certified organic ingredient(s) Learn More
  3. Bibs lutt suurus (1)   2tk pakis

    Bibs lutt suurus (1) 2tk pakis


    ESINDUSPOODIDES KOHAPEAL- VÄRVIVALIK! Bibs lutte on valmistatud Taanis üle 30 aasta. Lutt on 100% BPA vaba ja valmistatud looduslikust kummist ehk kautšukist, mis tundub lapsele imemisel pehme, paindlik ja loomulik. Bibs lutid on ühtviisi populaarsed nii emade kui beebide seas, sest võimaldavad lapsel ennast lohutada, kasutades oma instinktiivset imemisinstinkti võimalikult loomulikul viisil. Lutt imiteerib ema rinnakuju ja pehmust. • toodetud ja valmistatud Taanis • 100% BPA, PVC ja ftalaatide vaba • ajatu disain • suurused 1 (0-6kuud), suurus 2 (6-18 kuud), suurus 3 (18+ kuud) Komplektis 2 tk. Vastab standardile EN 1400+A1 Enne, kui beebi hakkab lutti esmakordselt kasutama, veendu, et lutt on terve. Enne kasutamist tuleb lutt steriliseerida, keeda lutti 3 minutit ja lase jahtuda. Lutti on soovitav vahetada iga 4-6 nädala tagant. Ärge kasutage lutti, kui see on muutnud värvust, luti kuju on moondunud (võib juhtuda, sest kasutatud on naturaalset kummi). Learn More
  4. Lansinoh HPA® Lanolin Nipple Cream - 10ml

    Lansinoh HPA® Lanolin Nipple Cream - 10ml


    Lansinoh HPA® Lanolin is the world's purest lanolin cream for sore nipples and chapped skin. The cream is tasteless, colorless and odorless - the most acceptable nipple cream for your baby. No need to remove before breastfeeding. Lansinoh HPA® Lanolin is a natural product developed for nursing mothers. Exceptionally safe and clean, as it is cleaned using a patented technology that is especially strictly controlled. Safe and hypoallergenic. Lansinoh HPA® Lanolin is the only lanolin product to have won awards from the Allergists' Association of Great Britain. Lansinoh HPA® Lanolin is the most strictly controlled lanolin in the world. It is regularly checked whether its composition does not contain pesticides, residues of cleaning agents and additives. This lanolin does not contain antioxidants or preservatives. Moisturizes and protects cracked nipples and dry, sensitive skin. 100% natural, contains no additives, preservatives or chemicals. INGREDIENTS: 100% Lansinoh HPA® Lanolin - the purest lanolin cream in the world. MANUFACTURER: Lansinoh Laboratories, Inc. Learn More



    Tootetutvustus, otstarve Multi-Mam Compresses - rinnanibude intensiivseks hoolduseks - Kohene rahustav toime valulikele rinnanibudele - Neutraliseerib kahjulikud mikroorganismid. Ennetab infektsiooni (mastiiti) - Optimeerib rinnanibu piirkonna seisundit - Geel on looduslik ja allaneelamisel kahjutu. Ei sisalda säilitusaineid! - Toetab loomulikku paranemisprotsessi Learn More



    Tootetutvustus, otstarve Multi-Mam Compresses - rinnanibude intensiivseks hoolduseks - Kohene rahustav toime valulikele rinnanibudele - Neutraliseerib kahjulikud mikroorganismid. Ennetab infektsiooni (mastiiti) - Optimeerib rinnanibu piirkonna seisundit - Geel on looduslik ja allaneelamisel kahjutu. Ei sisalda säilitusaineid! - Toetab loomulikku paranemisprotsessi Kasutamine Multi-Mam kompressid on spetsiaalselt välja töötatud imetavatele emadele rinnanibude intensiivseks hoolduseks. Toode põhineb patenteeritud 2QR-kompleksil, mis on unikaalne oma võime tõttu blokeerida kahjulikke baktereid ohutult ja loomulikul viisil. Multi-Mam kompressidel on kohene rahustav toime valulikele rinnanibudele, optimeerib naha seisundit, alandab turset ja ennetab infektsiooni. Iga kompress on immutatud bioaktiivse geeliga. See geel põhineb looduslikel taimsetel koostisainetel, mis on täiesti kahjutud ja võib ohutult alla neelata. Enne imetamist ei ole geeli vaja rinnanibult eemaldada. Maitse, mille ta jätab, on imikule meeldivalt magus. Multi-Mam kompress moodustab rinnanibule pehme ja mugava padja, ning loob loomulikuks paranemisprotsessiks optimaalsed olud. Õhuke plastikkate väldib ka rinnahoidja määrdumist. Multi-Mam kompressid on seetõttu ideaalselt sobivad imetamisest põhjustatud rinnanibude probleemide raviks. Learn More
  7. Lansinoh ® Pack of Baby Feeding Bottles 240ml with NaturalWave® Teat (2 pcs)

    Lansinoh ® Pack of Baby Feeding Bottles 240ml with NaturalWave® Teat (2 pcs)


    Feeding bottle with NaturalWave® pacifier. The set includes two 240ml baby bottles and an M (medium flow) feeding pacifier (2 pcs). The Lansinoh NaturalWave® bottle is specially designed for breastfeeding babies. Breastfeeding is recommended for at least the first six months of a baby's life, which gives the baby the best start. BPA and BPS free material. Soft 100% silicone pacifier - stretches and flexes for optimal suction. Air ventilation system (AVS ™) reduces air intake, which is a possible cause of colic. Easy to assemble and clean and compatible with the entire Lansinoh range. A lactation consultant should be consulted before feeding as they will be best able to advise you on the best time to bottle feed as this will depend on your individual situation. It is also important to know that choosing the right feeding bottle is crucial. Available pacifiers with three different flows: 1.Size (S) slow flow. 2. Size (M) average flow rate. 3.Size (F) with fast flow. Learn More
  8. Lansinoh ® Glass Feeding Bottle with NaturalWave® Teat 240ml

    Lansinoh ® Glass Feeding Bottle with NaturalWave® Teat 240ml


    Feeding bottle with NaturalWave® pacifier. The set includes a 240ml bottle and a (M) size pacifier. The Lansinoh NaturalWave® bottle is specially designed for breastfeeding babies. Breastfeeding is recommended for at least the first six months of a baby's life, which gives the baby the best start. BPA and BPS free material. Soft 100% silicone pacifier - stretches and flexes for optimal suction. Air ventilation system (AVS ™) reduces air intake, which is a possible cause of colic. Easy to assemble and clean and compatible with the entire Lansinoh range. A lactation consultant should be consulted before feeding as they will be best able to advise you on the best time to bottle feed as it depends on your individual situation. It is also important to know that choosing the right feeding bottle is crucial. Teats with three different flows are available. 1.Size (S) slow flow 2. Size (M) average flow rate 3.Size (F) with fast flow Lansinoh mOmma feeding bottle NaturalWave® is a good alternative when the mother has to be away from the baby. Lansinoh's NaturalWave® pacifier is clinically proven to promote natural sucking. Learn More
  9. Lansinoh ® Glass Feeding Bottle with NaturalWave® Teat 160ml

    Lansinoh ® Glass Feeding Bottle with NaturalWave® Teat 160ml


    Feeding bottle with NaturalWave® pacifier. The set includes a 160ml bottle and (S) size pacifier. The Lansinoh NaturalWave® bottle is specially designed for babies. Breastfeeding is recommended for at least the first six months of a baby's life, which gives the baby the best start. BPA and BPS free material. Soft 100% silicone pacifier - stretches and flexes for optimal suction. Air ventilation system (AVS ™) reduces air intake, which is a possible cause of colic. Easy to assemble and clean and compatible with the entire Lansinoh range. Before feeding with a feeding bottle, you should consult a lactation consultant. If and when is the best time to bottle feed as it depends on your individual situation. It is also important to know that choosing the right feeding bottle is crucial. Teats with three different flows are available. 1.Size (S) slow flow 2. Size (M) average flow rate 3.Size (F) with fast flow Lansinoh mOmma feeding bottle NaturalWave® is a good alternative when the mother has to be away from the baby. Lansinoh's NaturalWave® pacifier is clinically proven to promote natural sucking. Learn More
  10. Lansinoh ®baby bottle 240ml

    Lansinoh ®baby bottle 240ml


    Feeding bottle with NaturalWave® pacifier. The set includes a 240ml bottle and a (M) size pacifier. The Lansinoh NaturalWave® bottle is specially designed for babies. Breastfeeding is recommended for at least the first six months of a baby's life, which gives the baby the best start. BPA and BPS free material. Soft 100% silicone pacifier - stretches and flexes for optimal suction. Air ventilation system (AVS ™) reduces air intake, which is a possible cause of colic. Easy to assemble and clean and compatible with the entire Lansinoh range. You should consult a lactation consultant before feeding. If and when is the best time to bottle feed as it depends on your individual situation. It is also important to know that choosing the right feeding bottle is crucial. Teats with three different flows are available. 1.Size (S) slow flow 2. Size (M) average flow rate 3.Size (F) with fast flow Lansinoh mOmma feeding bottle NaturalWave® is a good alternative when the mother has to be away from the baby. Lansinoh's NaturalWave® pacifier is clinically proven to promote natural sucking. Learn More
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