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    Tootetutvustus, otstarve Multi-Mam Compresses - rinnanibude intensiivseks hoolduseks - Kohene rahustav toime valulikele rinnanibudele - Neutraliseerib kahjulikud mikroorganismid. Ennetab infektsiooni (mastiiti) - Optimeerib rinnanibu piirkonna seisundit - Geel on looduslik ja allaneelamisel kahjutu. Ei sisalda säilitusaineid! - Toetab loomulikku paranemisprotsessi Learn More



    Eesti Allergialiit tunnustab. Imikutele ja lastele mõeldud pehmendav kreem sobib kasutamiseks kerge, keskmise või raske raskusega atoopilise dermatiidiga lastel alates sünnist. Paikseks kasutamiseks mõeldud kreem ekseemi ja atoopilise dermatiidi sümptomite raviks sisaldab epidermise kaitsebarjääri taastamist kiirendavat kompleksi. See ergutab naha paranemismehhanismide talitlust ning loob kaitsebarjääri bakteritoksiinide ja ebasoovitavate mikroorganismide vastu. Tänu Omega 3, 6 ja 9 rasvhapetele, kreem toidab intensiivselt ja regenereerib lokaliseeritud kuivad piirkonnad, taastab hüdrolipiidse barjääri. Hoiab ära atoopiapuhanguid ja ekseemi. See leevendab kohe sügelust, ärritust ja pingul tunnet. Naha lõhede puhul pole vaja karta kipitust. See aitab vähendada põletikku ja superinfektsiooni ohtu Staphylococcus aureus'e poolt. Kreem imendub koheselt, nahk ei jää rasuseks. Hüpoallergeenne. Alkoholi-, värvaine-, ftalaadi-, parabeeni-, mineraalõli-, seebivaba. Dermataloogiliselt testitud ning spetsialistide poolt eriti nahasõbralikuks tunnistatud. Kasutamisjuhised Kasutamine - kandke õrna massaažiga kreemi nahale nii palju kordi kui vaja. Kindlasti aga peale keha pesemist. Learn More



    Aitab ennetada ja korrigeerida venitusarme, taastab elastsuse ja naha vastupidavuse venimisele. Sisaldab omega 3,6 ja 9 rasvhappeid, mis toidavad ja taastavad nahka. Pinguldava toimega, pehmendab venitusarme, soovitatakse rasedatele, peale sünnitust, sportlastele ja diabeedi puhul. Hüpoallergeenne. Parabeenide, värvainete,mineraalõlide ,-vaba koostis. Hüpoallergeenne. Dermatoloogide ja ämmaemandate poolt kontrollitud ja heaks kiidetud. Kontsentreeritud kreem on ideaalne kõhu, puusade, reite ja rindade jaoks, aga seda võib kasutada ka tervel kehal. tekstuuri ja toonuse paranemist. Kasutamisjuhised 1-2 korda päevas kreemitada kõhtu, reisi, tuharaid, rindasid väikese koguse geeliga. Learn More
  4. MARIA manuaalne ninaaspiraator

    MARIA manuaalne ninaaspiraator


    Maria Easy Breath – manuaalne ninaaspiraator. Tõhus, hügieeniline ja ohutu seade lapse nina puhastamiseks. Toode on lihtsasti hooldatav – lihtsale pese seda peale igat kasutuskorda. Learn More



    Tootetutvustus, otstarve Maria Clean Nose - ninaaspiraator, mis töötab 2AA patareidega (patareid ei kuulu komplekti). Eemaldab kiiresti ja õrnalt lima lapse ninakäikudest, kergendab hingamist. Ei vaja lisatarvikuid. Veekindel ja pestav, vaikne, pestav konteiner lima jaoks, 2 silikoonotsikut. Kasutamisjuhised Enne kasutamist lugege hoolikalt kasutusjuhendit. 1. Valige silikoonist otsik vastavalt patsiendi ninasõõrme suurusele. 2. Veenduge, et silikoonist otsik on kindlalt kinnitatud kogumistopsile. 3. Sisestage silikoonotsik õrnalt patsiendi ninasõõrmesse. Ärge pange otsikut liiga sügavale. 4. Vajutage ja hoidke nuppu all mõne sekundi jooksul, et aspireerida sekreeti Learn More



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    Tootetutvustus, otstarve Elera Clean Nose - ninaaspiraator, mis töötab USB laadimisega. (juhe komplektis) Eemaldab kiiresti ja õrnalt lima lapse ninakäikudest, kergendab hingamist. Ei vaja lisatarvikuid. Veekindel ja pestav, vaikne, pestav konteiner lima jaoks, 2 silikoonotsikut. Kasutamisjuhised Enne kasutamist lugege hoolikalt kasutusjuhendit. 1. Valige silikoonist otsik vastavalt patsiendi ninasõõrme suurusele. 2. Veenduge, et silikoonist otsik on kindlalt kinnitatud kogumistopsile. 3. Sisestage silikoonotsik õrnalt patsiendi ninasõõrmesse. Ärge pange otsikut liiga sügavale. 4. Vajutage ja hoidke nuppu all mõne sekundi jooksul, et aspireerida sekreeti 5. Kuus erinevat vaakumitaset. Learn More



    BABE PEDIATRIC LASTESHAMPOON TITEKÕÕMA VASTANE 200ml pH5 Eesti Allergialiit tunnustab. Eriti õrn lõhnaainevaba koostis! Titekõõma põdevate imikute pea ja juuste pesemiseks. See ennetab ja eemaldab titekõõma, puhastab õrnalt, reguleerib rasueritust, on keratolüütiline ja mikroobidevastane. Hõlbustab juuste kammimist, pehmendab peanahka. Spetsiaalsed pediaatrilised koostisosad. Hüpoallergeenne. Alkoholi-, värvaine-, ftalaadi-, parabeeni-, mineraalõli-, seebivaba. Dermataloogiliselt testitud ning spetsialistide poolt eriti nahasõbralikuks tunnistatud. Kasutamisjuhised Kasutamine: Kanda kergelt masseerides lapse peanahale ja niisketele juustele, lasta mõjuda mõni minut, loputada hoolikalt. Vältida silma sattumist! Kasuta pudel lõpuni ka siis kui titekõõm on kadunud. Learn More
  8. HotTea Mama tee "Öökull" (Night Owl) 15x1,5 g

    HotTea Mama tee "Öökull" (Night Owl) 15x1,5 g


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    Kõigi hilisõhtute, varahommikute ja pooliku une jaoks on Öökull omal kohal. See kofeiinivaba emadusetee segu rahustavatest ürtidest aitab teil hõlpsasti Unemaale jõuda. Hoolikalt tasakaalustatud taimsete koostisosade segu, mis rahustavad sinu keha ja hinge. Terved kummeliõied, lavendel, palderjanijuur, pärnaõied, rooibos ja rukkililled. Kui toidad last rinnaga, proovi Night Owl teed juua tund enne viimast õhtust söötmist, et anda oma silmaterale loomulikku hea uni. Igas pakis on 15 tervelehelist teed sisaldavat biolagunevaid teepüramiidi. Nendest saab teha 30 tassi teed või rohkem. Vegan ja gluteenivaba MAITSEMÄRKED Õrn ja tasakaalustatud - kummeli kergus lavendli alatooniga. Segu on hoolikalt välja töötatud nii, et see sisaldaks piisavalt palderjanijuuri, mis aitaks sul lõõgastuda, kuid ei oleks samas liiga selgelt ""puitunud"" maitsega. Samamoodi on valitud lavendli kogust, et see ei oleks liiga tooni andev, vaid annaks segule maitset. Pärnaõied, mis sobivad ideaalselt kummeli teepõhjaga, annavad segule magusa aroomi. Rooibos lisab Sevilla Orange'i magusust. Sisaldab: kummel, rooibos, palderjanijuur, pärnaõied, lavendel, rukkilill Kasutusjuhised: Võta hetk. Valmib 3 minutiga, nautimiseks aga palju pikemalt. Parim ilma piimata. Vala 200ml värskelt keedetud vett 1 teepakile. Lase tõmmata 3-5 minutit). KAS TEE „ÖÖKULL“ ON RASEDUSE JAOKS OHUTU? Jah. Soovitame järgida arsti juhiseid ja juua maksimaalselt 3 tassi, mis tahes taimeteed, päevas. Kui sind vaevab rasedusunetus või kui oled rasedust ülekandmas ning vajad väikest looduslikku uneabi, siis uuringute järgi on sellisest koguses tee hea ning aitab paremini magada. MITU KORDA VÕIN SEDA TEED LASTA TÕMMATA? Kõik meie teed on segatud tervete lehtede koostisosadega ja seetõttu saab neist teed valmistada vähemalt kaks korda. See annab teetassile hea hinna ja kvaliteedi suhte. Teed „Öökull“ soovitame kasutada 3 korda, kuna see säilitab oma maitset hästi. Learn More
  9. HotTea Mama tee "Vastsündinud Ime" (Newborn Wonder) 15x1,5 g

    HotTea Mama tee "Vastsündinud Ime" (Newborn Wonder) 15x1,5 g


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    Palju õnne! Kui sinu pisike beebi saabub, võid sattuda hormoonide emotsionaalsetele ameerika mägedele. Las meie täiusliku kofeiini ja antioksüdantide sisaldusega teesegu valgest teest ja õrnadest roosipungadest rahustab sinu hinge ja viib sind emaduse imelisusse. Ideaalne tee igale teed armastavale uuele emale. Antioksüdantiderikas valge tee ja terved roosipungad loovad rahustava, noorendava segu. Valge tee sisaldab rohkelt nii kofeiini kui ka teaniini. Kuigi kofeiinitase on tavalistest segudest kõrgem, aitab teaniin seda aeglaselt vabastada. Roosinuppe on aastatuhandete jooksul kasutatud menstruatsioonivalude leevendamiseks ja need aitavad ka sünnitusjärgse valu korral. Igas pakis on 15 tervelehelist teed sisaldavat biolagunevaid teepüramiidi. Nendest saab teha 30 tassi teed või rohkem. Vegan ja gluteenivaba MAITSEMÄRKED Õrnalt lilleline - mahe valge tee ja lõhnav roos. Valgel pojengil on pehme ja õrn maitse, millele on lisatud melonit ja kurki. Roosipungad on magusad ja lillelised. Kombineeritult on tee meeliülendav, õrn ja tasakaalustatud. Sisaldab: valge tee, roosinupud Kasutusjuhised: Võta hetk. Valmib 3 minutiga, nautimiseks aga palju pikemalt. Parim ilma piimata. Vala 200ml värskelt keedetud vett 1 teepakile. Lase tõmmata 3-5 minutit). KUI PALJU KOFEIINI TEES "VASTSÜNDINUD IME"? Valge tee, mida kasutame selle segu aluseks, tähendab, et selles on c. 90mg tassi kohta. See on madalam kui filtrikohv, milles on c. 140mg tassi kohta. See on ohutu raseduse või rinnaga toitmise ajal, kuna arstide juhiste kohaselt peaksid kofeiini piirama 200 mg-ni päevas. Pan tähele, et päevas ei tohiks sa juua rohkem kui 2 tassi seda teed. Samuti arvesta sellega, et ka šokolaadis ja karastusjookides on veidi kofeiini. Kofeiini tarbimise jälgimiseks on suurepärane kofeiinikalkulaator: MIS ON TEANIIN? Selles segus sisalduv valge tee sisaldab väga palju ühendit, mida nimetatakse teaniiniks. See on lõõgastav kemikaal, mis annab teele aeglase vabanemise efekti. KUIDAS ROOSINUPUD SÜNNITUSJÄRGSELT AITAVAB? Roosinuppe on Lähis-Idas kasutatud aastatuhandete vältel, et leevendada menstruatsioonikrampe ja -valusid. Usume, et see võib aidata vähendada krampe, mis võivad esineda peale keisrilõiget või loomulikku sünnitust. Learn More
  10. NEW! Farmacell Elegance Shape Cooling Effect Briefs

    NEW! Farmacell Elegance Shape Cooling Effect Briefs


    Tummy and hip shaping effect thanks to the seamless elastic band NILIT BREEZE fabric: light, refreshing, and breathable Invisible under any garment, thanks to its elastic, thin structure free of side seams With antibacterial insert – Top quality 100% Made in Italy Suitable for use after childbirth. Color: Ivory Sizes: M (S/M); L (L/XL) Material: 75% polyamide; 25% elastane PLEASE FOLLOW THE SIZE CHART WHEN PURCHASING THE PRODUCT! Learn More
  11. Lansinoh® Hospital Bag Breastfeeding Essentials Kit

    Lansinoh® Hospital Bag Breastfeeding Essentials Kit


    Kit includes: *Award-Winning HPA® Lanolin Cream 10ml *Lanolin Lip Balm *Silicone Breast Pump *Reusable TheraPearl® 3-in-1 Breast Therapy Pads *Award-Winning Disposable Breast Pads pack of 24 *Award-Winning Breastmilk Storage Bags pack of 25 PA® Lanolin Cream 10ml Composed of an ultra-purified grade of lanolin, the cream is ethically sourced and 100% natural without any preservatives or additives. HPA® Lanolin is naturally hypoallergenic and approved by the British Allergy Foundation meaning you can breastfeed your little one without removing the cream. Awarded GOLD at the 2021 Mother & Baby awards. Lanolin Lip Balm The Lansinoh® Lip Balm is a rich, effective moisturiser which helps soothe and protect very dry chapped lips. Made from 100% Lanolin. Silicone Breast Pump Save every last drop of breastmilk with the Lansinoh® Silicone Breast Pump. It is light, portable and small enough to carry in your changing or handbag for every day, discreet use. This simple to use breast pump catches excess breastmilk from let-down while breastfeeding or expressing from the other breast. BPA and BPS free, 100% silicone and dishwasher safe. Reusable TheraPearl® 3-in-1 Breast Therapy Pads Flexible and reusable, TheraPearl’s® 3-in-1 Breast Therapy packs have soft covers that can be slipped comfortably inside your bra to relieve any discomfort that can be caused by some conditions associated with breastfeeding. Can be used hot or cold. BPA, BPS and latex free, these breast therapy pads are also shaped to fit around a breast pump to encourage let down and promote faster milk flow. CAUTION: For external use only. Use only as directed. Always test pack temperature prior to application. Prolonged application may cause injury, including burns. Do not use on infants. Do not use if you have poor circulation. Do not use heat therapy on stitches or an open wound. Do not fall asleep using pack. Keep out of reach of children. For extreme, prolonged, or chronic pain, contact your physician. Heating beyond suggested time may damage or destroy pack. Do not puncture pack and/or ingest contents. Pack of 24 Award-Winning Disposable Breast Pads The award-winning Lansinoh® Disposable Breast Pads featuring a BlueLock core provide instant absorption and leak-proof protection. The contour design is capable of holding up to 20x their weight in milk, whilst still retaining their shape. They ensure that breastfeeding mums stay dry, night or day. Awarded Platinum in the Loved by Parents Awards 2022 for best product for Breastfeeding and Silver in the Best New Mum Product, Voted No.1 Breast Pads by Best for Baby and Indy-Best 2022 from the Independent. Pack of 25 Award-Winning Breastmilk Storage Bags Our Breastmilk Storage Bags are perfect for mums to store breastmilk in the fridge or freezer, lying flat or standing up. You can also pump directly into our Breastmilk Storage Bags from any Lansinoh® breast pump, allowing you to save time and prevent messy milk transfers or spills. The bags come with a hygienic, tamper-evident, and secure tear-away top to ensure no toxins reach the breastmilk. Awarded Silver in the Loved by Parents Awards 2022 for Best product for Breastfeeding and Bronze in the Mother & Baby awards 2021 for best product for breastfeeding. Whether you’re looking to buy for yourself or as a gift, our mother and baby Hospital Bag Breastfeeding Essentials Kit is perfect for new and experienced mothers. Learn More
  12. Lansinoh® Essential Breastfeeding Starter Kit

    Lansinoh® Essential Breastfeeding Starter Kit


    Kit Includes: *Award-Winning HPA® Lanolin Cream 10ml *Breastfeeding Pillow *Award-Winning Disposable Breast Pads 2 x pack of 60 (120 pads) 'Award-Winning Breastmilk Storage Bags pack of 50 HPA® Lanolin Cream 10ml Composed of an ultra-purified grade of lanolin, the cream is ethically sourced and 100% natural without any preservatives or additives. HPA® Lanolin is naturally hypoallergenic and approved by the British Allergy Foundation meaning you can breastfeed your little one without removing the cream. Awarded GOLD at the 2021 Mother & Baby awards. Breastfeeding Pillow The Lansinoh® Breastfeeding Pillow is comfortable, portable, and helps support proper breastfeeding positioning. By sliding onto the arm, rather than around the waist, the thoughtful design is perfect for c-section tummies and one size fits all, regardless of shape and size. The pillow allows mum to naturally bring baby up to the breast to nurse rather than leaning over, which is ideal for positioning, latch and avoiding back pain. Size: 28cm width, 24cm height and 14cm depth. Fabric composition: Shell: 100% Cotton; Lining: 100% Polyester; Filling: 100% Polyester. Pack of 120 Disposable Breast Pads The award-winning Lansinoh® Disposable Breast Pads featuring a BlueLock core provide instant absorption and leak-proof protection. The contour design is capable of holding up to 20x their weight in milk, whilst still retaining their shape. They ensure that breastfeeding mums stay dry, night or day. Awarded Platinum in the Loved by Parents Awards 2022 for best product for Breastfeeding and Silver in the Best New Mum Product, Voted No.1 Breast Pads by Best for Baby and Indy-Best 2022 from the Independent. Pack of 50 Breastmilk Storage Bags Our Breastmilk Storage Bags are perfect for mums to store breastmilk in the fridge or freezer, lying flat or standing up. You can also pump directly into our Breastmilk Storage Bags from any Lansinoh® breast pump, allowing you to save time and prevent messy milk transfers or spills. The bags come with a hygienic, tamper-evident, and secure tear-away top to ensure no toxins reach the breastmilk. Awarded Silver in the Loved by Parents Awards 2022 for Best product for Breastfeeding and Bronze in the Mother & Baby awards 2021 for best product for breastfeeding. Whether you’re looking to buy for yourself or as a gift, the Essential Breastfeeding Kit is perfect for new and experienced mothers. Learn More
  13. Lansinoh® Mums Favourites Breastfeeding Kit

    Lansinoh® Mums Favourites Breastfeeding Kit


    Kit includes: *Award-Winning HPA® Lanolin Cream 40ml *Award-Winning Disposable Breast Pads pack of 60 *Award-Winning Breastmilk Storage Bags pack of 50 *Washable Nursing Pads pack of 4 Award-Winning HPA® Lanolin Cream 40ml Composed of an ultra-purified grade of lanolin, the cream is ethically sourced and 100% natural without any preservatives or additives. HPA® Lanolin is naturally hypoallergenic and approved by the British Allergy Foundation meaning you can breastfeed your little one without removing the cream. Awarded GOLD at the 2021 Mother & Baby awards. Pack of 60 Award-Winning Disposable Breast Pads The award-winning Lansinoh® Disposable Breast Pads featuring a BlueLock core provide instant absorption and leak-proof protection. The contour design is capable of holding up to 20x their weight in milk, whilst still retaining their shape. They ensure that breastfeeding mums stay dry, night or day. Awarded Platinum in the Loved by Parents Awards 2022 for best product for Breastfeeding and Silver in the Best New Mum Product, Voted No.1 Breast Pads by Best for Baby and Indy-Best 2022 from the Independent. Pack of 50 Award-Winning Breastmilk Storage Bags Our Breastmilk Storage Bags are perfect for mums to store breastmilk in the fridge or freezer, lying flat or standing up. You can also pump directly into our Breastmilk Storage Bags from any Lansinoh® breast pump, allowing you to save time and prevent messy milk transfers or spills. The bags come with a hygienic, tamper-evident, and secure tear-away top to ensure no toxins reach the breastmilk. Awarded Silver in the Loved by Parents Awards 2022 for Best product for Breastfeeding and Bronze in the Mother & Baby awards 2021 for best product for breastfeeding. Pack of 4 Washable Nursing Pads Lansinoh® Washable Nursing Pads use a three-layer protection technology to protect against leaks: A soft face sheet for superior comfort on even the most sensitive skin; A unique absorbent blend with bamboo fibres at the core for fast absorption and drying; A waterproof outer layer for confidence throughout the day. Fabric composition: Front: 100% Polyester. Inside: 80% Bamboo Viscose, 20% Polyester. Back and binding: 100% Polyester with TPU. Whether you’re looking to buy for yourself or as a gift, our mum's favourites include all our best-selling breastfeeding items. Learn More
  14. Lansinoh® Manual Breast Pump Set

    Lansinoh® Manual Breast Pump Set


    Kit includes: *GOLD Award-winning HPA Lanolin Cream 10ml *Manual Breast Pump *Award-Winning Disposable Breast Pads pack of 24 *Award-Winning Breastmilk Storage Bags pack of 25 HPA Lanolin Cream 10ml Lansinoh’s HPA® Lanolin has been developed for breastfeeding mothers to soothe and protect sore and cracked nipples. Use after each feed, to help soothe and protect sore cracked nipples. Our cream doesn't need to be removed before breastfeeding as it is the purest nipple cream available. Awarded GOLD at the 2021 Mother & Baby Awards. Manual Breast Pump Our Manual Breast Pump provides a portable and convenient option for breastfeeding women who want to express discreetly and in comfort whilst on the move. Designed for ease of use, a simple switch at the top of the handle enables you to switch between the ‘let down’ and ‘expression’ phases. Quick and easy to use, assemble and clean. Pack of 24 Disposable Breast Pads The award-winning Lansinoh® Disposable Breast Pads featuring a BlueLock core provide instant absorption and leak-proof protection. The contour design is capable of holding up to 20x their weight in milk, whilst still retaining their shape. They ensure that breastfeeding mums stay dry, night or day. Awarded Platinum in the Loved by Parents Awards 2022 for best product for Breastfeeding and Silver in the Best New Mum Product, Voted No.1 Breast Pads by Best for Baby and Indy-Best 2022 from the Independent. Pack of 25 Breastmilk Storage Bags Our Breastmilk Storage Bags are perfect for mums to store breastmilk in the fridge or freezer, lying flat or standing up. You can also pump directly into our Breastmilk Storage Bags from any Lansinoh® breast pump, allowing you to save time and prevent messy milk transfers or spills. The bags come with a hygienic, tamper-evident, and secure tear-away top to ensure no toxins reach the breastmilk. Awarded Silver in the Loved by Parents Awards 2022 for Best product for Breastfeeding and Bronze in the Mother & Baby awards 2021 for best product for breastfeeding. Learn More
  15. Lansinoh® Birth Preparation & Postpartum Essentials Kit

    Lansinoh® Birth Preparation & Postpartum Essentials Kit


    Kit includes: *Organic Pre-Birth Preparation Oil *Award-Winning Post-Birth Wash Bottle *Organic Post-Birth Relief Spray *Award-Winning Cold & Warm Post-Birth Relief Pads Birth Preparation: Organic Pre-Birth Preparation Oil Our Organic oil is designed to facilitate perineal massage which promotes skin elasticity to allow more stretch at birth. Gynecologically tested, 100% natural, organic & vegan, this oil should be used to perform perineal massage from 34 weeks of pregnancy. It can be used 3-4 times per week, right up until birth. After Birth Recovery: Post-Birth Wash Bottle This allows you to gently cleanse the perineal area following childbirth when skin is tender, and when tissue may be uncomfortable. Use from the first bathroom trip after labour… it’s a hospital bag must-have! The Post-Birth Wash Bottle can hold up to 360ml of water and can be easily used upside down to reach the perineal area. The Bottle was awarded platinum for Best New Mum product award at the 'Loved by Parents Awards 2022' and awarded gold for Best Pregnancy/Maternity product award at the 'Mother & Baby Awards 2022'. Organic Post-Birth Relief Spray Our Organic Post-Birth Relief Spray is 99% natural, vegan and provides soothing relief after birth. It has been gynecologically and clinically tested to help soothe and relieve discomfort during post-birth recovery & is suitable for sensitive skin. A unique blend of herbal ingredients including Aloe Vera, Chamomile and Cucumber soothes and calms the skin. The 360° sprayer allows gentle and easy application from any angle. Cold & Warm Post-Birth Relief Pad Our Innovative Cold & Warm Post-Birth Relief Pad provides soothing comfort and relieves pain after delivery. The pad is made with TheraPearl® ColorSmart™ Technology and can be used cold to provide relief from perineal, haemorrhoidal or C-section discomfort – or warm to provide soothing relief from postnatal uterine cramping commonly experienced after birth. This is safe for both postpartum use and while breastfeeding. The flexible shape moulds to the contour of your body even after freezing. The doctors recommend 20 minutes for highly effective drug-free pain relief for up to 2 hours. Learn More
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