Body control-shaping

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  1. RelaxMaternity SLIM - Post-partum Briefs

    RelaxMaternity SLIM - Post-partum Briefs


    These briefs are specifically designed to facilitate recovery of abdominal muscle tone, compromised by pregnancy; while its special shape helps buttocks and abdomen to regain correct muscle tone. The pressure on the waist is designed to have a slimming effect, to regain a pleasing appearance. The high percentage of cotton, combined with the lack of seams, avoids irritation and ensures perfect breathability and oxygenation of the skin, which can therefore return to its former softness and elasticity. Colours: Black, white, skin Composition: 60% CO - Cotton, 32% PA - Nylon (Polyamid), 8% EA - Elastane Learn More
  2. UUS! Sünnitusjärgsed SUPPORT püksikud art.5202

    UUS! Sünnitusjärgsed SUPPORT püksikud art.5202


    Kindel vormimine – praktilise alt avatava kinnitusega, 100% Itaalias valmistatud Hingav ja kerge – selle pehme kiu struktuur aitab nahal hapnikuga varustada Toetab ja salendav efekt tänu 4-le seljalahasele Pehme kiu ja nupuava - maksimaalne mugavus - Tippkvaliteet 92% polüamiid 8% elastaan KUIDAS KASUTADA RelaxMaternity tooteid: Elastne materjal teeb toote visuaalse suuruse tavalisest väiksemaks. Riietumisel olge hoolas ja tähelepanelik, tuleb jälgida, et toode oleks seljas ühtlaselt ning ilma kortsudeta. Veenduge, et riietumisel toetav vööosa asetseks õiges kohas-saavutate nii parima funktsionaalsuse ja suurima mugavuse. Vaata ka pakendi märgiseid! NÄIDUSTUSED JA VASTUNÄIDUSTUSED KASUTAMISEL: Ei soovitata kasutada magamisajal, toetav funktsioon ei avaldu horisontaalasendis. Kui tunnete toote kandmisel ebameeldivust, valu või ilmnevad defektid, mis takistavad mugavust ja funktsionaalsust, tuleb kontrollida numbrit-suurust. Learn More
  3. FARMACELL modelleeriv vöö+toestus art.605S

    FARMACELL modelleeriv vöö+toestus art.605S


    Lame kõht, puusasid kujundav efekt ja suurepärane nimmetugi, 100% valmistatud Itaalias 4 selja lahast, et vältida allarullumis Riietuse all nähtamatu Maksimaalne mugavus ja hingavus – termoregulatsiooni funktsioon – kasutades parimaid materjale 85% POLÜAMIID 15% ELASTAAN Learn More
  4. Farmacell - Double layer control briefs mid leg

    Farmacell - Double layer control briefs mid leg


    Shorts composed by two superimposed girdles. The interior girdle with tummy and hips modeling effect and derriere push up effect, and the smooth and elastic external girdle, that not only increases the shaping effect and the general pressure but also hides its shaping properties making it looking as a common pair of elastic shorts. The shorts guarantee the maximum comfort thanks to its seamless construction and its 3D structure for a 360° elasticity. They don’t pinch or mark the thighs thanks to the absence of the elastic band. Sizes: S-XXL Colours: black, white, beige Material: 85% Nylon, 15% Elastane Learn More
  5. FARMACELL - High waist shaping thong (cotton)

    FARMACELL - High waist shaping thong (cotton)


    High waist shaping thong in elasticized cotton with tummy and hips modeling effect. The elastic band sewn in the product guarantees the best comfort and efficacy. Thanks to the seamless and thin fabric the product is invisible and discreet underneath any piece of clothing. Breathable and fresh fabric, hygienic and antibacterial gusset. Learn More
  6. FARMACELL - High waist shaping thong

    FARMACELL - High waist shaping thong


    High waist shaping thong in microfiber with tummy and hips modeling effect. The elastic band sewn in the product guarantees the best comfort and efficacy. Thanks to the seamless and thin fabric the product is invisible and discreet underneath any piece of clothing. Breathable and fresh fabric, hygienic and antibacterial gusset. Learn More
  7. FARMACELL - High waist, mid thigh slimming pants

    FARMACELL - High waist, mid thigh slimming pants


    High waist mid thigh slimming pants in microfiber with tummy, hips and thighs modeling effect and derriere push up effect. The elastic band (panty girdle) sewn in the product guarantees the best comfort and efficacy. High double layer elastic band preventing pants from rolling up. Thanks to the seamless and thin fabric the product is invisible and discreet underneath any piece of clothing. Breathable and fresh fabric, hygienic and antibacterial gusset. Learn More
  8. FARMACELL Fitness Shape - slimming pants

    FARMACELL Fitness Shape - slimming pants


    Fitness Shape: below the knee pants in microfiber with slimming, modeling, shaping and massaging effect. The texture of the product, with coarse and smooth areas, massages and helps fighting the imperfections caused by cellulite, thanks to the continuous body movement. The graduated-pressure elastic bands guarantee a modeling and redefining push-up effect to the body. The product Fitness Shape is manufactured with a revolutionary breathable cross-hatch knitting design and an hygienic and antibacterial gusset. Directions for use/Contraindications: Are not recommended for subjects suffering from dermatosis with secretions, with recent thromboses and for Pregnant Women. Learn More
  9. FARMACELL - High waist slimming pants (long legs)

    FARMACELL - High waist slimming pants (long legs)


    High waist slimming pants in microfiber with tummy, hips and thighs modeling effect and derriere push up effect. The elastic band (panty girdle) sewn in the product guarantees the best comfort and efficacy. High double layer elastic band preventing pants from rolling up. Thanks to the seamless and thin fabric the product is invisible and discreet underneath any piece of clothing. Breathable and fresh fabric, hygienic and antibacterial gusset. Learn More
  10. FARMACELL - Shaper Belt

    FARMACELL - Shaper Belt


    Band (panty girdle) in microfiber with tummy and hips modeling effect. Seamless construction for the best comfort and efficacy. High double layer elastic band preventing it from rolling up. Invisible and discreet underneath any piece of clothing thanks to its thin fabric, which is also breathable and fresh. Learn More
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